Sure Dividend

Member's Area

Reader & Member Testimonials

I started Sure Dividend back in 2014 to help people invest in high-quality dividend growth stocks for the long run. Sure Dividend has grown year-after-year since.

Along the way, our readers and members have said (or more accurately, written) words that mean a lot to me and the team at Sure Dividend. You can read our customer and reader testimonials below.


Ben Reynolds

Note: Some testimonials have been edited for privacy and grammar.


I can’t think of anything I would suggest to improve your reports. I always read them, and I will never again waste time or money in reading the Motley Fool. Your reports and those of Seeking Alpha are the best.

I just signed up and am happy to continue with ‘Sure Dividend’. I want you to know, after reading many of your contributions on SA that I believe that your approach and information/research will greatly improve the outcomes of many investors – the Div. gro. approach seems very valid – historically safe as well as valuable. I wish you much success in this endeavor.

Thanks again for all you do to help the “little guy.” I am not a little guy, but a 84 year-old lady investing in dividend paying stocks and helping my two children with the same.

You are doing A GREAT JOB. I am 77 yrs of age. Method of investing has worked perfectly for past 40 years. I retired in 1984. Kindest regards. You are one of a very few on the right track. Keep on with your excellent research and newsletter.

I am happy to have been able to subscribe and receive the e-mails from you. You provide excellent overviews with sensical approaches for us retired folks.

A very unique perspective. Love the analytical framework. Comprehensive and practical for the ordinary investor. Thank you.

After being a subscriber of your newsletter for a good part of a year now, I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for your extremely informative and well written articles on dividend investing.

Being a dividend investor myself, I absolutely enjoy watching the “paychecks” come in every month as well! The research you do about the best, highest quality dividend-paying companies out there is much appreciated and I look forward to every newsletter you send (especially with the analysis of the Dividend Aristocrats right now).

Keep up the fantastic work!

I am a subscriber to your excellent Newsletter. After trading stocks for short term for the last several years, and failing, finally I have joined the wagon of ” Dividend Investments “. I love reading your articles because they are full of good advice.

I feel like I finally have a true handle and mindset on investing. I wish I started this sooner in life. I made a lot of poor sell decisions in the past that lost opportunity costs. Holding forever is truly the best advice with quality dividend growth companies.

Thank you for teaching the little guys like me how to invest.

I have read, studied, taken action sometimes and pondered investing according to over 100 advisors. I thank you for your best in breed advice as a new member of your subscription audience. I really believe I am, thanks to you, conducting my stock investments correctly now for the long run.

Thank you for the guidance you provide. I have changed the way I invest and now look forward to having cash flow during my retirement years.

I have enjoyed your newsletters and have gotten far better advice from them than I have from my stock broker.

I just sign up and finished reading the November newsletter. Outstanding content! Very happy with my purchase!

I’m writing to thank you for the most soberly written and incisively thought out investing advice I’ve encountered to date.

I’ve been reading about six different newsletters, Motley Fool, Market Watch, Oxford,, The Street, Alpha, and more. Yours is the only one (whether I agree with your position on any specific stock or not), that combines both a great deal of concrete and reliable information, which is also pertinent, with excellent analysis–all without the infuriating hype and “upswell” of Motley Fool, whose value oriented analysis I happen to agree with.

I have done well with the investments I’ve undertaken (viewed macro-economically, of course), but feel confident of improved performance going forward by sticking to income stocks that are priced well, and by searching for those stocks that even opposing forces in the world of stock picking actually agree on.

At this point, your newsletter is my beacon. Others provide only peripheral light, or perhaps an occasional flare.

Please keep it that way. And best wishes for the New Year.

I enjoy your newsletter and only wish I had it 5 years ago.

This is EXACTLY what I was looking for, and it gives a straightforward answer on the best stocks at any given time. It takes all of the confusion out of this, and makes it so simple.

I am writing my appreciation of your intelligent advice compared with the rubbish issued by all the other so called market advisers who essentially are trying to sell their silly booklets.

I have spent a considerable amount of time over the course of the last four months studying, reading, getting reacquainted with Benjamin Graham, and trying to come up with a strategy for asset allocation but not trying to reinvent the wheel. Of all of the things I have found via Seeking Alpha, Advisor Perspectives, etc., yours is the most appealing.

Just finished reading my first subscription of your newsletter for February 2016. With regards to whether or not it is worth anyone’s time to bother reading it…. I have sent the application to subscribe out to all on my e-mail list. One has already come back that they have indeed signed up. A second is on the way. For anyone interested in investing; the “experienced” as well as the “newbies”, this is the place to go. I think the information is succinct and to the point and that’s what I need. I will continue to recommend your newsletter to all.

I just wanted to thank you for all of the amazing content you produce on a monthly basis. I just started my journey of dividend growth investing in 2015 after a few years of trading stocks for 3 years with no clear plan. Your articles are very informational with a clear plan and that’s what I love about them. Keep up the great work! You have a life long reader in me.

Of all the newsletters that I have ever taken-yours is simply the absolute best. How I wish that I had been able to have found it – several years ago.

Just received your April letter. This is the first one I have ever received and wanted to let you know how super it is. Wish I would have known about you sooner.

I’ve invested and have been a consumer of a variety of newsletters for many years and began following this newsletter and then that newsletter chasing promised returns without really knowing what I wanted to accomplish outside of making money, and not understanding the goals and methods of each newsletter.

Needless to say, my results were less than profitable.

I’ve now learned to evaluate company performance, identifying quality, and value.

Knowing what I want to own and what I’m willing to pay, Sure Dividend is the only newsletter I currently subscribe to and I’m currently building a high quality income generating portfolio that allows me to sleep well at night.

Cash income and sleeping well at night are my two primary goals and two of the most often over looked elements of successful long term investing.

You’re producing a good product at a value.

Very educational for me. I can include some of the articles in my “Letter from your dead husband”. You have uncommon common sense that is delightful to read. You are good at what you do and it shows more so than any other newsletter or blog I have read. It’s just a delight to read the best.

I LOVE the dividend yield graphs that you put in the newsletter. This is my first year as a dividend investor, but your website and newsletter has made me 4x the returns I was getting before.

Your approach has helped me develop a disciplined approach to my investing, and I plan to renew when my subscriptions are due.

Thank you for this. I really appreciate your analysis and updates on stocks you write about. I was thinking the other day that it took me seven years to find someone whose investment approach makes sense to me. And that is you. For the first time, I feel confident I am creating a solid portfolio for retirement.

I had all my retirement assets with an advisor for quite a few years. He always put me in mutual funds that did fair at best despite my higher risk tolerance. And always collected a 1% fee.

I finally had enough watching index funds outperform my holdings while paying the 1%. Taking control of my money was one of the best moves I’ve ever made. Following your Sure Dividend recommendations has made a difficult task easy. While there is no sure thing, investing in high quality businesses, especially when out of favor sure beats expensive funds and investment fees. Most people don’t understand how much of a drag a 1% fee can have over time.

I have been a self-directed investor since 1980, and I think your Sure Retirement newsletter is the best thing I’ve seen! Thanks so much for your diligence.

I’ve got to tell you that your website and newsletters are excellent! I’m using the info they provide to transition part of my Merrill Lynch Equity Income Portfolio to SD, SR, and NOBL portfolios.

It saves me so much time and effort and you and your staff do a super job of analysis of each of the top tens. Your work makes my job much easier and more accurate, and my results are the best they’ve ever been. Thanks so much for all your deep research and the long term approach which yields a super list of great companies available at good buy prices. Your service and that of your fine staff, makes my final decisions so easy with rock solid info on rock solid choices. Please continue.

I also wanted to let you know that I am extremely happy that I found your service and I recommend it to everyone I know that is interested in investing. Your newsletters have been extremely helpful for me and allow me to do the best investing I can with the limited time I have. Your advice has helped me grow my portfolio with confidence and it is nice to see all those dividend payments come in along with the growth of the portfolio.

My wife even stopped worrying about me investing a large portion of our savings and now tells everyone how I am an investing genius! That I am definitely not, but at least I am smart enough to follow one! Thanks again Ben as your service has really changed my life and helped me better prepare for the future.

I’m very glad I bought a healthy slice of ABBV when first you recommended it! I’ve held it ever since. You seem to have been gifted from above with the ability to stay true to your original disciplined rules of investing; the very basics of what is differentiating your company with a wide moat of wisdom, consistent direction and brave decision making when others around the game fall confused. We all appreciate your “steady as she goes” focus…it’s paying off.

You’ve always been very kind and caring to me and to the now thousands of other followers. Maybe that’s one of the reasons you’ve built such a strong business. I know lots of had work too, and your advice comes from our creator.

I, being a baby boomer, and recently semi-retired, know that the other 10,000 boomers that retire every day now in our country will more and more appreciate your thoughtfulness and kindness. You’re one of a kind…Stay that way.

Thanks in part to your help, I’m ready for the inevitable downturn, whenever it comes, confident in the long-term strategy, and it’ll be a pleasure to scoop up extra shares for however long prices stay down.

I AGAIN wanted to thank you for this newsletter. I anxiously await the first Sunday to read it every month, and I also follow you religiously on Seeking Alpha. After years of struggling with returns, I finally have a positive outlook regarding my retirement income stream.

THANK YOU, Ben! Your service is the VERY BEST I have, and I have many excellent ones!

After some 50 years of stock investing and subscribing to many many newsletters, Sure Dividend is the best and the only newsletter I will ever need.

Thanks Ben. I have been very pleased with all the information Sure Dividend has provided. What I particularly like is your simple approach, how you communicate with your audience and the ability to interact with you personally. There is no magic in hard work; the magic is in the result.

Best issue yet, Ben! This new retirement investing newsletter and associated database is a major improvement over any other retirement investing source out there!

I am so glad I resigned up for the Research Database. I have used it extensively and just used it to confirm a new investment, and used the PDF to convince the wife that this was a good step to take today. Simply a great service.

I am very satisfied with the service I have from you and plan to continue indefinitely.

You and your team run the BEST research program in the country.

The Sure dividend “family” of newsletters have become an integral part of my financial planning in retirement.

Keep up the great work – it is appreciated.

My goal is to invest in high quality, long-term stocks. Specifically, mostly high dividend stocks. Sure Analysis, in my opinion, is an amazing tool to build my retirement portfolio.

Your information in the reports and videos are superb. I always look at your comments or info before determining a position. I look at a couple others but yours works best for me….keep it up!

I use Sure Dividend to find/ select good dividend stocks for the long run (I’m 41). I’m not subscribed to any other paid online advisor.

As a registered investment advisor, I use Sure Dividend as one source in locating the best high-yielding dividend stocks. Since I manage both taxable and non-taxable accounts the objectives are a bit different. The common feature is maximizing long-term total return with minimum risk.

Your service is the best I have ever seen. I have been in the stock market for 71 years (I am 81 now, 82 in March) so that is saying a lot as I am a big reader.

I only handle my family money. No OPM. I keep telling people to subscribe to your research. It is the best.

One of the best things about Sure Dividend is Illustrated in your Feb. newsletter, that is the section “biggest mistakes”. I’m sure you realize how rare that is in the investment advice business. The most you’ll ever get is to hold on for the long term. Then it’s forgotten by the advisor or newsletter . Truth is rare but it’s sure appreciated. So keep up the good work , it’s sorely needed.

Thanks for your informative emails! I am an 83 year old widow and make my own investment decisions. I am doing quiet well by using research from investment websites such as yours!

I know you are working extremely hard. And you bring a brilliance to your company and to your job that is unrivaled by others. You are authentic and we are blessed to have you doing the work that you do. My prayers are with you and your associates as you bring out the best in the 5,000 or by now 6,000+ members.

Even if we fail to express how much we all appreciate you. We should tell you we appreciate you Ben. Thank you for your guidance and endless integrity. You work very hard, and we are all very fortunate to have you.

You have a great service at a great price, btw. Monthly reports are great, but especially like the weekly database files. Allows me to keep updated on what’s good, per my preferences. Some of my accounts want dividends, others want total expected return. Your filter and sort features allow me to easily identify my targets. I set them up in Trading View, then watch for price dips. You’ve allowed me to totally revamp my investing approach. So, thank you!

You write a great letter. I constantly recommend it to people who want to know what I am doing.

You are doing a great job. The content of your information is very valuable and I will continue to disclose your service to my friends.

You provide an awesome service. Lot’s of timely actionable information at a very reasonable (I’d say cheap even) cost.

I have been using Sure Dividend for two years and the information has been very worthwhile.

This newsletter has made me some good profits and am very happy to renew my subscription.

I promise to help you lower your advertising budget by my word of mouth. I have been taking all available opportunities to read Sure Dividend and it is a pleasure to read as well as a treasure trove of data. I’ve seen and been through several (maybe more) newsletters and Sure Dividend is walking the talk. It is quit impressive and most definitely head and shoulders above the rest.

I teach math at a high school in Indiana and have used some info from your site in the past with my seniors after AP exams in the spring. They have really enjoyed learning a small amount about investing and really liked the idea of building a dividend based portfolio.

Several weeks ago I subscribed to Sure Dividend and I am loving it. You and your team of people are doing a great job for us self directed investors. Thank you so much for offering this service. Keep up the good work.

Love the newsletter, such a needed source of guidance now.

Awesome customer service. Golden Rule Commitment!

Thanks so much! You have an excellent resource and service. Two thumbs up!

I’m at the point where my DIY investing needs to go from good to great and your newsletters are a great source.

Thanks!! Keep up the awesome work! Thanks for doing this stuff. Sounds like a real grassroots kind of business.

Just wanted to say thank you. Above and beyond what I expected. I now see what you mean by the “Golden Rule Commitment”. Based on your response and the immense value the service provides. I am very happy. You’ve made me a customer for life.

You guys are awesome and really knowledgeable. [Name removed for privacy] and I will be sticking with Sure Dividend for our future investment guidance needs.

Your newsletters are the best – just turning 63 so thought the retirement newsletter made more sense now.

I’m a huge fan and I know I’ll be a subscriber for decades to come.

OMG. Thank you so much. I really enjoy the research material. You guys are amazing.

I really do enjoy and use Sure Dividend for my stock selections. You make doing research and due diligence much easier.

Glad to renew! Love your research.

Wanted to thank you for your business and allowing me to subscribe. I could spend all day learning and reading your wonderful articles if I did not have to work. Thanks again.

This is the type of customer service that can really be appreciated these days. I will definitely recommend your service to my investing circle. Once again thank you.

Just a quick note to say thanks for recommending Eaton Vance! That sure worked out ok… I had picked up 500 shares or so about a month ago, before the Morgan Stanley pop.

You rock! I think it paid for my subscription for a few years in advance…

I LOVE Sure Dividend and use it regularly.

I have already done well with the first set of buys. I really like the analysis (balance sheet info is hard to find without digging into 10Ks). This is my kind of investing.

We’ve had a very good year investing as odd as it seems and your information has played a major part in our success.

Thanks for everything you do to make SD a wonderful service, I have come to increasingly appreciate SD’s steady, consistent, approach.

You have an outstanding product as I am always finding some wonderful ideas for my portfolio. I use the information you provide to identify solid and potentially undervalued companies to provide the foundation for a conservative options trading strategy. Thanks for all that you do.

Thank you very much, for your quick response. I enjoy, appreciate & admire you all for all you do for financial security of us retired people.

I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS on your new Dividend Newsletter that arrived today. You and your staff really did a great job. Keep up the good work.

Hey just wanted to let you know I tried out Motley Fool out of sheer boredom while sitting in a hotel for 30 hours the other day. Spent about an hour seeing what they have to offer and I cancelled my subscription. I think you far and away have a superior product. I honestly believe your offerings are the best in the business. I’m a [profession removed for privacy] and spend a lot of time with guys doing crazy things with their money and I’ve seen probably every investing newsletter around and yours is without a doubt not only the best organized but has the best content and the best long term plan to go along with it.

I’ve only been a subscriber to your two newsletters for about six months but have come to value your analysis and recommendations highly. Thank you for the work you do on our behalf.

If you’re a serious lifelong investor, this service is for you.

My late husband [name removed for privacy] was in the money business, and he thought you were the best. So, of course, I come to you for my investing guidance. I hope you are massively successful… You deserve it! I have referred many people to you, and I know they are happy I did.

I have spent many hours reading lots of 3 page reports, including reports on various stocks that I currently own, and learned a lot about them that I didn’t know! I sold some stock yesterday. No need to explain… Just illustrates that I need your website.

I can’t imagine investing in any kind of stock without having access to your website. It is awesome. The info I want about dividend growth is all there, I just had to get more familiar with what I am reading.

I love your product and really rely on it for much of my decision making.

I’ve used Value Line for years, but your service is better for me. First, you concentrate on dividend-paying stocks. Second, your presentation is in plain language. I will not renew Value Line.

You helped me tremendously when I was just getting started a few years ago. Admittedly, I had to ask some VERY basic questions of you, like “what’s an equity? What’s a dividend, and how does that work?” You’ve always been so kind, so professional, AND so patient!

Keep up the great work. Love your guys service. Very helpful!

My monthly analysis is now down to two sources, you and Morningstar. Every metric or bit of data that I use to rank stocks come from either Morningstar or you.Thanks again for providing a relevant investment service for dividend investors like me.

I have retired at 40 based on the confidence I got managing my portfolio and one of the key sources of confidence has been the insights from your platform!

BTW your recommendations and philosophy have been doing great for me and my son!

I really appreciate your service. It’s been extremely helpful to me already, and I’ve only been a subscriber for about two months.

I first subscribed to your newsletter because you were the only service that provided, at no cost, the list of stocks on the Russell index. I even got a spreadsheet, which was more than I expected. I subscribed at that point, and will be a subscriber forever. I’m cancelling all of the other services that I have.

I actually just want to tell you how helpful your work is for me as an European as well. I appreciate your solid data preparation. All in all, Sure Dividend gives me a safe companion.

I appreciate ALL of your newsletters and updates – your research is such a benefit to my retirement planning!

I really appreciate the work you do at Sure Dividend newsletter. While I don’t follow every suggestion, the ones that I have used are mostly in the green.

Your newsletters and database are very useful to me! Keep up the great work!

I really love your Retirement Newsletter closing thought this month. It made such a short and clear argument for why do strong dividend stocks instead of hoping to find a flash-in-the-pan growth stock to make the most money long term. The title Get Paid to Wait is so catchy as to be influential in an investor’s mind and attractive to a questioning skeptical spouse.

I am currently subscribed to your newsletter service. I just wanted to take a moment to truly thank the Sure Dividend team for all that you do! I am a resident physician about to start my second year of residency just outside of [US city name removed for privacy], and my family has just now been able to start saving some money now that I’m out of medical school. I had initially been experiencing stress about how to invest our money moving forward. I wanted to get a healthy return while minimizing risk, but I had difficulty finding direction until I came across your site. I love that everything is explained so thoroughly and all of your principles, research, and findings are evidenced based and used by some of the world’s best investors. I feel fully confident in my investments now because your team takes the time to explain the thought process behind stocks. Thank you for having the heart of the teacher – I have never felt like you were trying to force a stock pick on me. I believe you provide resources to empower your customers with knowledge to make decisions that best meets their investment goals. I plan to use your service for many years to come! I am subscribed to the newsletter, but as the year goes on and I start to get more of my core portfolio in place using your articles and the newsletters, I fully intend to subscribe to the Sure Analysis service as well.

Thanks again! I truly believe this service will help prepare a better future for me and my family. Please know that your work has great purpose and is meeting a need in communities! I have already told one of my co-residents about your service as he also wants to learn more about sound investing strategies. You are making homes and communities better!

I want to express how much I appreciate your team’s efforts. I find the SD research database and associated excel sheet to be invaluable. I look forward to reading the next newsletter!

Your skills and experience and brain has done so much for me and thousands of others. In reality though, it’s your transparency and integrity that sets you apart from the rest of the investment companies. Yes you are one of the few in the investment industry, who really does live by the Golden Rule. You are the last honest investment teacher. Never change. We’ll keep sending fellow retail customers to you only.

You’re the absolute best in the industry. You developed the 8 rules and the real way for us to earn reliable dividends, day in and out. It’s your teachings that is allowing me to retire much better off than I would have without your guidance.

I’m so glad I found Sure Dividend when I did. I had just retired and decided to manage our investments myself and I couldn’t seem to develop a strategy or a methodology. Sure Dividend changed all that. Now we are getting much better returns and I am more confident in what I am doing. Thanks and keep up the good work.

I just saw the newsletter for the top REITs. I wanted to thank you for the great value you provide.

I simply to express my gratitude for the Sure Passive Income Newsletter. I have acquired $1,000 of each new Top Ten entry since the newsletter began and added another $1,000 into existing positions the two times there were no new appearances in the Top Ten. This collection of stocks is excellent. No wild swings, very good performance since inception and the dividends are climbing. Even on the days where there is a divergence between value stocks and growth stocks, this portfolio tends to do well regardless of what the market is favoring on a particular day – a testament to the fact that while the stocks are larger companies with strong dividend histories, they also exhibit characteristics of companies that are still growing at a significant rate.

In my investment tracking spreadsheet, these Passive Income stocks are labeled the Untouchables and I am prepared to hold them forever. May this newsletter go on in perpetuity!

I currently subscribe to the retirement newsletter and I really enjoy the content and find the information helpful in driving my investment decisions.

Thank you for all the work that you do! Looking forward to reading more of the newsletters that you publish. You offer real value!

Thank you very much and we are blessed to be associated with a company that provides valuable information and has integrity! You are very upfront about what we can expect and can trust you with the payments! There is a shortage of people of your caliber but hope more people of integrity will follow your steps and help regular folks. Keep up the good work and may God bless you and your business!

Your approach works better for me than anything I’ve seen in 50 years of investing. Keep up the good work.

Sure Dividend has allowed me to sleep well at night and have confidence that my portfolio is being guided by good hands. The communication is top notch and my returns have been steadily rising. I have spent thousands of dollars, had every investing newsletter imaginable, and at long last I’ve finally found my investing home!

Your newsletter has made a big difference in our retirement!. I use it for many different investments — income, stability, speculation. I love it.

This has to be the bargain of the century, thanks for all your work (even though I don’t always agree)! I read all your newsletters in detail.

I appreciate your newsletters and analysis of dividend growth stocks! Keep up the great work!

I remember when you first recommended ADM and ABBV at fire-sale prices. I loaded up the best I could and now they have grown 125% and 92% respectively. Thanks for your diligent work.

Your customer service team is second to none which is one of the reasons why I continue to subscribe to your newsletter.

I’ve been a subscriber to Sure Retirement for almost a year now and I’m very impressed with the quality of your analysis and picks – thank you so much. It’s working for me.

I’m a subscriber, and rely heavily on your analysis to build my portfolio. Thanks for what you do. It’s so helpful!

I have been a member of Sure Dividend since 2019. I started investing on my own in 2016 when I retired and did not do very well until I started using the advice I received from Sure Dividend newsletters. I currently only invest in dividend stocks recommended by Sure Dividend and my portfolio has outperforms the S&P 500 in the last 3 years. Thank you.

First I wanted to complement you guys on running a great service for a fair price. I’ve been a subscriber for a little over a year and what y’all provide is great. I have personally recommended Sure Dividend to others who have seen me working in the Sure Analysis Research Database and they too are now subscribers and also love your service and newsletters.

I really enjoy your newsletters and my self directed portfolio is composed primarily of your stock picks.

I love this newsletter! I have bought $1000 of each company that has hit the top ten since the letter began. And when I already owned the Top 10, which I believe has happened twice, I acquired another $1000 worth of the company that owned the least of.

Challenging time to be investing. Thankful for SD resources. I am also a Morningstar customer and have investigated other services. There is no one that comes close to what you and your team does.

I receive a couple other dividend newsletters but yours are by far the best and most user-friendly out there. More importantly, you have risk/suitability ratings, where the other newsletters seem to focus on the highest dividends and not so much on safety. Thanks for your research and service, and I look forward to transitioning much of my portfolio to safer, dividend stocks moving forward.

Thank you again for your service. I am (successfully) using dividends to provide income as I just retired in January. Your service has been a big help in building a portfolio that supplements a few small pensions.

I find the SA quarterly reports very helpful. I’m a happy customer!

I have become a faithful follower to your monthly newsletters and database. There have been some pretty stark ups and downs in the market over the past few years but with a diversified portfolio that utilizes your database in my decision process, I have found the ups far outweigh the downs. Keep up the great work!

I imagine, like most customer service, you probably get more negative than positive feedback. Or maybe you receive more recommendations than you wish to receive. I have no idea. But I wish to convey my ultimate compliments. I’ve been a member for a year or two, but have been reading your articles and visiting your website for longer. I’ve always enjoyed the information provided. I’ve noticed changes, and I like them. But ultimately, the direction you are going is, and has been wonderful!

Just wanted to share, from a happy customer.

Many thanks for your profession customer service and prompt reply. Your transparency, integrity and real honest efforts to help people get to their goal of financial freedom is what differentiates your service from any other.

Hi guys. Hey, let me begin by saying I wish I had found your group a lot sooner than I did but better late than never. I really love the analysis and its presentation. I use your spreadsheets extensively.

I have been sharing your Sure Dividend website with many people, not only because I like it but also because a friend who is a portfolio manager for wealthy clients says that he relies on Sure Dividend. So I feel like I am getting the same trades that a wealthy investor would make who has an expert manager making those trades for him.

I highly appreciate your service, you do great work and really help us little investors finding good investment opportunities!

You are the best. I really get a lot of value out of your newsletter.

Have you seen what UNM has done? God that was an amazing evaluation and pick. I’m up over 50%.

Also you guys do great work, I’m a happy subscriber and look forward to each newsletter every month. Keep up the great work!

I have grown to really appreciate the research at Sure Dividend. Having tried a few different approaches to investing, this is the method that has worked for me most consistently. Once I have found a company I really like, I always check it out on the research database before investing. I read the SD newsletters and wait for the quality company that has the most to gain. In doing so I have really improved the quality of my personal portfolio which was pretty weak before I subscribed to the Sure Dividend.

The database has been great for my finances and has been a great way to educate my adult kids and friends about investing on Dividend Aristocrats. The systematic selection of undervalued dividend aristocrats is so valuable to me and I recommend it to all my friends.
– Chris Proulx

I have come to depend upon the research provided as it is an excellent way for me to continue my dividend investment and growth journey. Very much worth the fee and the great ideas that are presented in each of the newsletters. Thanks for providing these insights.
– Thomas Koch

I love everything about Sure Dividend. Spreadsheets, Top 10s, Newsletters with Opening and Closing Thoughts. Always relevant and always timely. Your most recent thoughts on 3M put things in perspective.
– Jebb Willis

I enjoy using the Sure Analysis Research Database as it offers me updates on stocks that I currently own and data on additional stocks that I’m following and interested in possible purchase. There are others that pontificate on stocks, but I’ve had the best luck following Sure Dividend reports.
– John A Brown

Sure Dividend is an invaluable tool in developing and maintaining an solid income generating portfolio. I have been a member for a year and recently renewed my membership for another year.
– Robert Hahn

The Sure Analysis Research Database has become increasingly important to me over time. I place no trades and make no acquisitions without first consulting the database for important metrics such as fair value, expected total return, payout ratio and years of dividend growth. When I’m thirsty for more detail, I hit the link to the most recent research report for a particular company. In the written report, I find the EPS and P/E Ratio histories to be invaluable. Recently, I have begun downloading the database on a weekly basis and hooking it up to my own spreadsheets to help monitor my investing performance and make decisions.

It looks like you and your staff have put a lot work in developing the Sure Dividend Research database together. When contemplating whether to Buy, hold or Sell an investment it is the go to for the start of my research and follow-up as well. Thank you for being there and looking forward to seeking any and all information as part of my Dividend income approach investing.

– Edward M Kaminski

I really enjoy reading the detailed reports on different companies and I actually look forward to every update on the companies I am invested in, even though I do my own research on said companies. Reading the Sure Analysis company reports and comparing them with my own research helped me quite a lot in learning this stuff.

I would also like to add that its mainly because of you guys that I actually started investing close to a year ago and I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to invest quite a bit of money. The dividends which keep coming every quarter are awesome!
– Ghiorghe Catalin-Alexandru

Great research and new ideas for investment!
– John Hantelman

I am very pleased with the service and information I receive from Sure Analysis. It is great guidance for me as a retiree. I use it exclusively to manage my portfolio of equities. I am 100% behind the philosophy of buying good companies that are well managed and have good cash flow, with low to moderate payout rations, dividends (above 2% in my case), moderate dividend risk, and growth potential.

Very helpful especially with the weekly updates as well as it’s most complete coverage of the stocks that fits the objective criteria of the sure dividends approach. I use it regularly to check and make decisions on my portfolio.

I use the database for general review of yield, forward expectation, and largely non-partisan coverage of securities paying dividends. I’ve used Morningstar (current & past), Seeking Alpha (I see names here from there), The Motley Fool (pre-paywall), and some other data sources. I like yours the best so far.

The reports are well constructed and present a good summary for each stock I am interested in. The Database and associated reports are my first deep dig into any change in my portfolio, or new positions under consideration.

Sure Analysis is one of three analytical services I use and I have found it to be extremely helpful in my research screening for investment choices. Every morning, I build 5 separate screens of stocks for consideration:

While this takes some time, I find the time spent very worthwhile – as much of the due diligence has been done via the data and opinions provided by Sure Analysis.
– Frank Rountree

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this service! It is extremely informative and helpful in winnowing down all possibilities to a few good investment ideas! I can’t see ever going without it from here on out!

I use Sure Dividend as the first and last check I do when considering any investment action. I use a number of tools – since I started investing over 40 years ago – but the first thing I do is see if Sure Dividend has done a recent analysis of the stock before I go further. Once I have completed my research, I once again return to Sure Dividend and make sure I am not doing anything contrary to what the Sure Dividend analysis recommends. It is the single most influential source I use in my research analysis of any stock. To say I love it would be an understatement!
– Mike Critchfield

I’ve found the Sure Research Database to be an invaluable resource for selecting stocks for my dividend growth portfolio. The database combines objective data on prices, yields, dividend history, earnings and payout ratios with research-based buy-sell-hold recommendations and dividend risk scoring. These are exactly the tools I want when adding new stocks as well as managing my existing portfolio. For my purposes, the Sure database is exactly the right tool.

As a novice investor I love Sure Dividend. The insights provided help me considerably. Thank you!

We are a retired couple and living off our savings and 401K. I’ve been using Sure Dividends for three plus years and sorry I didn’t find it early. I have structured much of my portfolios around the dividend process.

Actual case : as of 9/9/22 ~ on a ~$500K portfolio My current income generated from dividends cover 85% of my monthly distributions, associated Taxes and Brokerage fees. Even in this Market, I’m only drawing 1.4% of my principal and that is without any growth potential. I was as high at 7% before the process which was not sustainable.

I find the monthly reports great and wait for them each Sunday. The main database is extremely useful if I’m looking for new areas to analysis.

My only dislike: The portfolio tracker is great but limited to the sure dividends tracked positions. My life would be simpler if it include other major positions like the s&p 500 and the Nasdaq 100.

Sure Dividend has helped me compound my wealth.

I find it (Sure Analysis) to be extremely helpful. I do not make any investment without looking at your data and commentary.
– Ron Myers

I depend on the analysis of each company to determine my actions regarding my investment opportunity. The information is complete with past performance, current condition and future projections. This information allows me to compare companies and select which companies are top performers and align with my goals. The adjustments to the reports over the years have continued to improve the report and its value to me. I also value the detailed explanation of how the report information is created and displayed, this provides logical use.

We are very thankful to you and your team for providing us such a professional and competent service. Since we have been subscribing to your Sure dividend news letter and that is since 2019, we have been systematically buying stocks every month and are happy to see the dividends coming into our account every month. The capital appreciation is an additional positive.

Recently we have subscribed to all the premiums services (including the research database) and very happy and satisfied with it. The possibilities now are very vast using the database and also access to the other premium services generates more ideas for investments.

The difference between you and the other advisory services is your integrity honesty and passion with which you keep us as customers as center of your service and provide so much value to your customers. You are also very transparent in your pricing of services and quite prompt with your replies.

Many thanks once again to you and your team for such a valuable service, Parvinder and Sumeet.

Well, I started this adventure on 2/10/21. For years, I had been a working stiff and had no time to meddle with my investments. Finally after many years of sub standard performance by my brokerage and my retirement, I decided with a little prodding from Sure Dividend to take charge. I probably spend about an hour per day on average between looking things over and checking out new opportunities. The tools that Sure Dividend provide are invaluable and a veritable bargain compared to the brokerage fees that I was charged in the past.

With all that said, the proof (as always) is in the pudding. Below are my personal results through last Friday, 9/9/22.

– Larry Stevens

Love Sure analysis service. The excel spreadsheets are awesome as it allows you to “drill down” in about any category you want. I actively use your service in researching dividend stock purchases for a retirement IRA account. Love it all!

Having Sure Dividend to guide our buying decisions has greatly reduced the amount of time we spend researching and also reduced the stress around our investments. And our portfolio is outperforming the market! Wins all around 🙂

Let me start by saying I really feel that Sure Dividend is sincerely dedicated to serving the needs of dividend investors. I am semi retired and my dividends support my lifestyle. My investment objectives are first, preservation of capital; second, increasing dividends; Third. everything else. With this in mind, yours is the only investment advisory service which well supplies me with the information I need to make the best analysis I can. Your easy to access, relevant information saves me a great deal of bird dogging time so I can concentrate on more in depth analysis. When I have a question or suggestion your personal attention always satisfies me and I can not even imagine this from any other service. My own qualifications are: finished my course at the New York Institute of finance the summer of 1968 and served as customer’s broker and junior convertible arbitrageur for some years.
– David Stanley Epstein

Sure dividend has been a great help in helping me select quality stocks for my portfolio. The Sure Analysis spreadsheet is a daily reminder on getting ideas for new investments. Well worth the money! Easy to read, not bothering you with boring details that you don’t need like many others use just to get the word count up. Over all, I am very, very happy I subscribe to this service. It has paid for itself over and over again.
– Dale Plunkett

Thanks for your great work! I have a number of friends who are envious of the approach I took in investing. In 2015 I went all cash, then started dividend investing. Now I am retired (since 1-Jan-2021) and enjoy a strong, reliable, growing stream of dividends to live on and be generous from. With no intention of dipping into the principle, these market downturns don’t bother me like they do for so many others. I’m very thankful to God for leading me in this direction seven years ago.

Sure Dividend is a tremendous resource for us cash flow retirement investors. I am VERY PLEASED with your service and the value received from your analysts. They sift through the universe of dividend payers, and alert us to the best opportunities available, that have sound financials, something we don’t have the time, resources, or perhaps, professional acumen to do for ourselves. I believe that the value, is narrowing down the universe of investment choices of dividend stocks, that are timely, and opportunistic, and have a high enough yield, to be immediate dividend cash flow opportunities.

I like these emails that help get the most out of the service. I’m a sure dividend fan.

Ben – you have made 3 generations multi-millionaires & one day your newsletters will produce a billionaire in our Family. Thank you for everything that you & your team do!

I want to let you and your team know that your email and related tools/information has allowed me to retire early due to the investments I’ve made following the strategy of buying dividend bearing stocks that have both growth and consistent increases in their dividends.

Great job and I’d be lost without you. I use the data and reports multiple times a week for research. Have a Happy New Year and keep up the great work.

I am a French small private stock investor and I would like to thank you for what you do. You help me very much with my investments.

On the positive side, having been a customer of Sure Dividend for a number of years, suffice it to say most of my portfolio consists of stocks recommended by Sure Dividend over the years. In the depths of the market’s dive, I stayed the course, averaging down, lost 25% of my portfolio, continued to average down, and have since recovered all but about 1% of my paper losses.

As a retired person, I value your newsletter above many others I have used over the years.

Great follow up! Thank you for acknowledging the unexpected turn of events w these positions and how to move forward w your previous recommendations. No one has a crystal ball, but this personal touch and accountability is why I subscribe to Sure Dividend.

I love all the work you on dividend paying common stocks. I have built a sizable portfolio of quality high dividend stocks based on your great work. Thank you so much.

Thanks for the quick response! I just signed up for LIFE. I love the service and can’t wait to continue building my dividend portfolio with the help of Sure Dividend. Keep up the amazing work!

Thank you for providing this wonderful service. I have been reading your newsletter and investing in dividend stocks since 2020. Prior to that, I would just throw my money into mutual funds. While I sometimes go off track and invest too much in one sector, the consistency of your newsletter information and processes remind me to evaluate and adjust. Because of this, my portfolio is solid, I am not seeing huge fluctuations in today’s market, and, I earned over $3,000.00 in dividend income last year. I am increasing my understanding of investment and returns and my confidence grows every day.

I would like to express my gratitude for delivering in-depth analysis for many Dividend Kings, Aristocrats and dividend paying stocks. That helped me with taking the decisions on selection of the stocks for our family wealth.

Unfortunately, I have to end my subscription to your newsletter. My wife and I are planning to travel and there won’t be time to manage a portfolio anymore. In the 8 years I subscribed, I was able to beat the SP500 almost every year. It’s an excellent newsletter.

Not trying to be grandiose, but I would not have been able to take the first step without Sure Dividend. I get a bit excited during the week before my newsletters arrive. I am learning a lot, working to build a source of future income, and having a great experience. What a nice legacy you are building – making a positive difference in people’s lives.

I signed up for the Sure Dividend newsletter, then the Top Ten REIT list, now I’ve gone full in for the Database! You have a great approach to analysis and investing that I really like. Your transparency, integrity, and thoroughness is second to none. I’ve been an individual investor for over 45 years and have seen the best and worst of this business. You are certainly among the best of the best. I congratulate you and wish you many, many years of continued success.

By the way, with your excellent material at Sure Dividend, I have done very well in the market. Thank you and all your fine people.

Over the past few years your news letters and articles have enabled me to develop a portfolio that generates substantial annual dividends, affording me a comfortable retirement. Thanks to all the staff for your hard work and diligence.

Your honesty is very much appreciated and it speaks volumes about the Sure Dividend organization.

Appreciate Sure Dividend. I found you in 2015, felt like God played a hand in that. Market had dropped a lot and you recommended some big cap names I bought at very low prices, still have several of them! CAT, CMI, PG. ABBV was a fabulous buy. I enjoy Sure Dividend and all the information you provide. Very seldom have to sell and buy, have taken profits from time to time and put money into current recommendations.

Your services are exceptional as is your attention to customer service. Thank you for being a clear and trustworthy voice in a sea of hype and sales ads in the financial world.

I am retiring this month from the insurance and financial planning arena. Approximately 75% of our portfolio will be used for income from dividends. We are also using annuities with 20% of our portfolio. I always recommended this type of diversification, just in case I was wrong.

I have gotten your emails for quite some time and have used several of your recommendations. At this time, I am using it almost exclusively. Great information, explanation and common sense!

Thanks so much. Your system has changed my life. I don’t worry about the market anymore and sleep better, thanks to your teachings. I recommend Sure Dividend to anyone wanting to know.

I believe Sure Dividend is the best research service available to the investing public. Especially for retired investors looking for a solid income stream and growth.

Thanks to yours and your team’s work, I have been very satisfied with my investing choices. Despite my having to withdraw from my account, I have constantly been able to make money on my investments. Obviously not all of them have panned out but more often than not, I have come out ahead.

Thanks so much for your service. I use it all the time and it has helped me to have a comfortable retirement so far after two years. My dividends are up, and I have not had to sell stocks for income.

Sure Dividend is a key part of how I manage my finances. Great to see what you’ve done with it over the years and how you continue to improve your business.

I love this newsletter and have a position in every holding that’s ever made the Top 10. And when there isn’t a new entry in the Top 10, the one I have the least of gets the love.

Loving your newsletters and updates! Two traders at Schwab recently complemented my portfolio!

Sure Dividend is, in my opinion, the most professional source of analyzed and synthesized stock market information. You are really valuable to expanding my knowledge and I look forward in benefiting from your services in the near future.

You run a really fine service. One of the qualities I like about it is the lack of hype. You’re not trying to sell us anything, just presenting it.

I do like your newsletter a lot and I appreciate the time you take to respond personally. You make it simple enough though accurate, and affordable. Your service allows me to focus my analyses on some factors and some companies; I don’t need to read so many financial reports and scrutinize so many companies as I would in the past.

I had a friend subscribe to the lifetime plan too. I have done well in dividend stock investing and retired at 58 years old so I have many friends ask me where I get my info on dividend stocks. I tell them Sure Dividend. I am a spreadsheet person so I like the raw data in the spreadsheets and I like the individual reports to get your analysis on the top stocks by segment or future estimated returns.

Just a note to let you know I am very impressed with your customer service! I tend to do a lot of business on line with banks, Fidelity, retail etc. and I find your customer service to be in a league of its own in terms of responsiveness, thoroughness and follow through. Sure Dividend customer service has been and still is the highest standard of customer service I have ever experienced from any on-line company. You have impressed and delighted me with you service.

What really impressed me so early on was the fact that all the information was so straightforward. And it still is. I purchased many of your suggestions and all over time were positive.

I also need to specifically thank you for the SARD. I used to download it every week to rank my purchases, percent ownership in my portfolio, and to look for domestic and foreign new buying ideas. I recently requested a sabbatical through the end of 2024 to help my parents: no income, but insurance is maintained. The SARD has been essential these past few months in screening and selecting which of my assets I need to let go of to cover my monthly expenses. I download it every trading day, and I really appreciate it.

Between my son’s suggestion and explanation of dividends and it going into my bank, running into Sure Dividend’s common sense recommendations and excellent information and subscribing, and my own experience on decision making learned through the years – I AM $4,000 AWAY FROM A MILLION! AND it has been ‘easy does it’, not nerve racking!

I really like having the database for the buy sell recommendations along with a newsletter or other update each week to pay attention to and try and find good long term investments. Each week, I’m going to try and invest in one of your top buy recommendations until I have filled out my dividend portfolio. Keep up the great service. It is much appreciated.

I recently met with a financial advisor where we discussed my current investment strategy and he was quite impressed with what I am doing with dividends. I let him know that your company is my #1 source.

I recently just signed up for the sure Analysis research database and I gotta say I am already extremely happy with the purchase.

I feel like I learned a lot from you and your service about investing and I sure appreciate your help. You also have great customer service and have always been very available and accommodating as a customer for any issue that might come up. I think there are many business that could learn a lot from you about customer service. I would not hesitate to recommend you guys to someone else wanting to learn about investing.

By the way thanks to your service I feel like a true investor now and no longer fear market drops. Your advice on dividend investing has resulted in two of my children adopting this strategy along with one close friend. Your group is amazing.

Keep up the good work – sure wish I had been receiving your service for 50 years – would have saved a lot of mistakes.

Thank you for all you do for us. As I rapidly approach retirement, your foundational rules mean a lot to me.

I wanted to reach out to you and thank you for your prompt handling of my request. Sure Dividend has always been very kind to me and is an excellent investing service for those interested in income from great stocks. You are my first recommendation to anyone who wants a service where they are treated well and valued as a customer.

You have the most responsive customer service of any company I currently deal with and love your research. My average yield has gone up to 7.513% and the principle is up more than 25% from what I have invested over a few years.  There have been a few clunkers (notably T & WBA) but the majority of my stocks are still worth more than I paid for them even during market downturns like this past week. Thank you for all work you do for the rest of us.