Welcome to Sure Dividend
We analyze 900+ income securities every quarter in the Sure Analysis Research Database.
Note: We continue to increase the number of securities we cover.
Each security is analyzed over the same important investing metrics so that we can compare income investments to each other on an apples-to-apples basis.
This is real analysis done by our ~15 person analyst team, not a quick computer screen.
Sure Analysis Research Database data powers our 3 premium newsletters.
Sure Dividend’s Premium Newsletters & The Sure Analysis Research Database
Sure Dividend Newsletter
Passive Income Newsletter
Note: Learn more about the differences between our premium services here.
Please feel free to email us at support@suredividend.com with any questions.
In addition, we also create a great deal of free research to help income-focused investors. Our 10 most recent articles are below.
Newest Articles
Top 20 Highest Yielding Monthly Dividend Stocks Now | Yields Up To 18.7%
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Monthly Dividend Stock In Focus: Ellington Financial
Monthly Dividend Stock In Focus: Exchange Income Corp.
Monthly Dividend Stock In Focus: Fortitude Gold Corporation
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Monthly Dividend Stock In Focus: Horizon Technology Finance
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11 Low-Priced High-Dividend Stocks Trading Under $10 Now
5 Highest Yielding Mortgage REITs For Income Investors